About Us

The scientific-educational non-governmental organization «Armenian Project» was founded in 2020 by a group of Armenian scientists and specialists. The mission of the organization is to develop the human capital of Armenia, thereby contributing to the formation of a national civil society in Armenia and the strengthening of the Armenian statehood. The activities of the organization include (but are not limited to) various educational programs and initiatives, the target audience of which is mainly young people.

“Armenian project” implements:

  1. scientific events (conferences, seminars, round tables);
    educational programs (evening university courses, regional courses, public lectures, online courses);
  2. public diplomacy between Armenia and other states (in particular, in the Eurasian region) through scientific and educational tools (joint conferences, mutual visits, information campaigns);
  3. research projects in the social sciences (authorship and publication of reports, articles, translations, books);
  4. information campaigns (interviews, journalistic visits, preparation of popular science programs);
  5. educational events (camping, trips to the regions, youth gatherings);
  6. public activities aimed at modernizing Armenia-Diaspora relations (public public lectures, consultations of Diaspora organizations regarding their activities in Armenia, etc.).

The core of the staff of the “Armenian Project” are scientists, thanks to which scientific impartiality and the promotion of factual policy are the basis of the organization’s activities. The “Armenian Project” is a non-profit organization, the budget necessary for its programs is formed from donations and donations of like-minded and caring people living in Armenia and the Diaspora.

After the war of 2020, it is even more necessary to modernize the structure of the Armenian state and the Armenian people, the most important component of which is the Armenian diaspora. Therefore, in 2021, the members of the organization organize regular visits and public lectures in various settlements of the Diaspora, the purpose of which is to raise awareness of the real problems facing Armenia and the Armenian people, and to help concentrate the potential of the Armenian people in the direction of overcoming the above challenges.

The co-founders of the Armenian Project NGO are political scientist Edgar Elbakyan, political economist Hrant Mikaelyan, regional expert Karen Igityan, orientalist Sergey Melkonyan (PhD), orientalist Varuzhan Geghamyan (PhD).
