Armenian Сonversations | “National singing art nowadays. tracing the origins, development and present of Armenian culture”

On July 13, the regular meeting of “Armenian Conversations” program of “Armenian University” took place. If we try to tell a short story about the latter, Komitas’ formula “Go deep, find the new” can best describe the main idea at the core of the meeting. It is possible to create a new cultural (and not only) value if you are close to your roots, accept them and take the best from them.
The meeting consisted of two parts, in the first part of which the attendees made a tour of Aram Khachatryan’s house-museum, during which the tour guide presented the creative life and interesting episodes of Aram Khachatryan.

In the second part, “National song art in our days. tracing the origins of Armenian culture, development and present” we talked with musician Mikael Voskanyan, who presented to the participants of the event his own formula for preserving the national and creating something new and beautiful from it with the example of music.

At the end of the meeting, the attendees took part in a quiz about Aram Khachatryan’s life and activities, the winner of which received a prize from the books of the “Armenian Library”.


“Armenian Conversations” is a series of public lectures and meetings on Armenian Culture, science and technology intended for a wide audience.
It was made possible by the cooperation of businessman and marketer Liana Markosyan and a group of Armenian businessmen led by the latter.

We would like to express our special thanks to the wine producing company “Alluria Wines”, which added a special taste and color to that environment.