The Armenian Research Foundation organizes the ASIAN FORUM-2023 on 7 July 2023. It is a periodic forum aimed to discuss the prospects of the development of Asian-South Caucasus relations as well as the role and the importance of the Armenian regional factor in that context. The Asian Forum is a unique platform to discuss the realities of the large Asian region in the Armenian context.
Reports will be presented at the conference on the leading trends in the international and regional politics of the countries of the Asian region, in particular, the Far Eastern region.
Reports may include the fields of history, political science, economics, linguistics, geography, media studies, data science, cultural studies, anthropology, literary studies, philosophy, religious studies. We particularly encourage papers that relate to the main topic of investigation of this year’s forum: “The Far East and the South Caucasus. existing trends and perspectives of cooperation”.
In particular, we propose to discuss the following group of issues.
- China’s policy in the South Caucasus and the Middle East,
- The foreign policy of India, Japan and the Far Eastern states in the Greater Middle East,
- Development models of the Far Eastern states,
- The role of soft power in the foreign policy of Far Eastern states,
- The participation and prospects of the Far Eastern countries in the settlement of regional conflicts (including Nagorno-Karabakh),
- Reforms of the international system, architecture of international and regional organizations,
- Communications and Corridors (e.g. Belt and Road Initiative) in new geopolitical realities,
- Security (energy, information) problems, perspectives and models
- Digital transformations and their impact on the Far Eastern countries,
- Bilateral and multilateral relations between Armenia and Far Eastern countries – realities and prospects.
The deadline of application submissions is 25 June 2023. The application should include the scientific biography (CV) of the author, the title of the report and an abstract up to 300 words. To apply, follow the link and fill out the provided application form.
Language of reports: Armenian, English, Russian
20 minutes will be allotted for the presentation, followed by a 10-minute discussion.
Selected applicants will be notified by the organizing committee of the scientific forum by 28 June 2023. Preference will be given to analytical rather than descriptive reports. After the selection of the reports, the deadline for submitting the paperback edition of the texts is 3 July 2023. Materials presented at the scientific forum and approved by the organizing committee will be published on the website and periodical of the Armenian Research Foundation. For questions and more information, contact via [email protected].