Outgoing lecture-meeting of Armenian University

On June 18, the regular outgoing lecture-meeting of Armenian University took place in Aragatsotn region. The outgoing lecture was scheduled for the . for the listeners of the second stream 2022-2023 academic year.


Within the framework of the meeting, the participants visited the monument of Armenian writing in the village of Artashavan, then the monument-grave of Drastamat Kanayan in the city of Aparan, where the co-founder of the “Armenian Project” Edgar Elbakyan the scientific and educational NGO told about Dro’s life, activities and his great contribution to the creation of the First Republic, and also mentioned that that year is Dro’s 140th anniversary.

After a short hike, they visited Akunk village where they spent the rest of the day filled with various discussions, educational games and team work. At “Armenian University” our students get the most practical knowledge and skills, which now and in the future should serve the idea of having an #eternalArmenia.